The Communicating Ideas workshop is held once annually for a small, interdisciplinary group of 9-10 faculty researchers and scholars. Throughout the half-day program, which includes short presentations, a panel of journalists, and one-on-one coaching, participants gather insights about communicating their research to individuals outside of their discipline.

The workshop facilitators and panelists, who are current and former journalists and communications professionals, offer participants practical tips for:

  • crafting and honing their messages,
  • interviewing with journalists,
  • navigating social media,
  • presenting their research to a variety of audiences

At the end of the session, each participant has the opportunity to record a brief video clip about their research.

The program, which started in 2010, is sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, in collaboration with the School of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Office of Strategic Communication.

communicating ideas workshop
Saba Ali in recording studio
Mary Charlton in studio

Research Minute

At the end of the workshop, each researcher records a one minute video about their work.

Get involved

Contact Leslie Revaux if you would like to sign up for a future workshop.