Broader Impacts/Research Impacts Seminars (Session 3 of 5: NSF CAREER Awards)

Broader Impacts/Research Impacts Seminars (Session 3 of 5: NSF CAREER Awards) promotional image

The National Science Foundation considers two criteria in their review of proposals: intellectual merit and broader impacts (BI). Broader impacts relate to how the proposed research will “benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes” and is increasingly used as the differentiator between which excellent proposals to fund or not.  

The Training Team from the NSF-supported Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) organization will conduct five interactive virtual workshops on Friday, Feb. 3, 17 and Friday, March 3, 17, and 31 from 9 a.m.-11 a.m.

Session 3: NSF CAREER Awards

Friday, March 3 @ 9 a.m.-11 a.m.

The NSF CAREER Award is one of the most important and prestigious grants an early-career faculty member can receive. While all NSF grants (including the CAREER Award) are evaluated on intellectual merit and broader impacts, CAREER Awards also have a unique requirement to present an investigator education plan. This session will focus on strategies for developing a competitive NSF CAREER Award, with emphasis on the broader impacts and education plan.  

Register here.

Friday, March 3, 2023 9:00am to 11:00am
Virtual Event
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