High-level Timeline for Implementation

  • Work with consultant

    Jan-July 2023
  • Receive consultant report and meet with stakeholders

    July 2023
  • Planning and development

    August 2023
  • Begin programming top enhancements

    September 2023
  • Test, develop education tools, train staff and IRB, update internal & external procedures

    December 2023
  • Rollout of 1st enhancements (N=3) and train research community

    January 2024
  • Begin impact assessment

    March 2024
  • Repeat Aug-March for additional enhancements

    April – 4th Qtr 2024

IRB Efficiency Initiative Timeline Details (updated 8/28/24)

The timeline for the UI IRB Efficiency Initiative spans from 2023 to 2025. Each Phase of the initiative will follow one or more of the below tracks:

Track 1: Operational Processes focuses on improving the efficiency of external and internal processes. This includes tasks such as external consultant review, development and planning, modernizing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), revising committee/group meeting structures, implementing an accountability system, and assessing the impact of changes.

Track 2: Organizational Design involves developing a career ladder, gathering information from staff, and assessing staffing flexibility and responsibilities.

Track 3: IT Programming Changes involve redesigning the HawkIRB application, making changes to the IRB meeting process, implementing workflow changes, and making HRPP (Human Research Protection Program) process changes.

Track 4: Education & Communication includes creating recordings to capture changes, providing training to staff, HRPP, and IRB, conducting research community training, and implementing a communication plan.

The approach for track management involves project teams responsible for designing, testing, implementing, educating, and communicating the changes. Advisory committees provide input and feedback, while executive oversight provides guidance and approval.

The tasks under each track and their status as of August 2024 are the following:

Track 1: Operational Processes

  • Task 1: External Consultant review & report — Status: Completed
  • Task 2: Development and planning — Status: Ongoing
  • Task 3: Modernize & implement internal SOPs — Status: Ongoing
  • Task 4: Modernize & implement external SOPs — Status: Ongoing
  • Task 5: Revise committee/group meeting structures — Status: Completed 7/1/24
  • Task 6: Implement an accountability system — Status: Ongoing
  • Task 7: Assess impact of changes (ongoing) — Status: Ongoing
  • Task 8: Consider additional consultant recommendations — Status: Ongoing
  • Task 9: Repeat steps 2-7 as identified in this roadmap — Status: Ongoing

Track 2: Organizational Design

  • Task 1: Career ladder development — Status: In Progress
  • Task 2: Gather information from staff — Status: Completed 3/27/24
  • Task 3: Staffing flexibility & responsibility assessment — Status: In Progress

Track 3: IT Programming Changes

  • Task 1: HawkIRB application redesign — Status: In Progress
  • Task 2: IRB Meeting process changes — Status: Completed 4/1/24
  • Task 3: Workflow changes — Status: Completed 4/1/24
  • Task 4: HRPP process changes — Status: Completed 6/14/2024

Track 4: Education & Communication

  • Task 1: Create recordings capturing changes — Status: Ongoing
  • Task 2: Staff, HRPP, and IRB training — Status: Ongoing
  • Task 3: Research Community training — Status: Ongoing
  • Task 4: Communication plan — Status: Ongoing