The Research Development Office in the Office of the Vice President for Research is pleased to partner with Dr. John Robertson from Grant Writers' Seminars & Workshops (GWSW) to conduct the Write Winning Grant Proposals seminar.
Phase I Seminar: September 20, 2024
The registration deadline was Sunday, September 8 at 11:59 pm. Registration is now closed.
Phase II Intensive Workshop: January 7-8, 2025
The registration deadline was Monday, September 30 at 11:59 pm. Registration is now closed.
The Write Winning Grant Proposals seminar is the cornerstone of GWSW's seminar programs. It comprehensively addresses both practical and conceptual aspects that are important to writing competitive grant proposals.
Phase I Event Information
Phase I will take place on Friday, September 20 at 8:30 am-4:30 pm in the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU). In-person and virtual options are available.
This all-day presentation is the cornerstone of The Write Winning Grant Proposals seminar programs. It comprehensively addresses both practical and conceptual aspects that are important to writing competitive grant proposals. It is appropriate for faculty members, postdoctoral researchers and administrative staff who have had some exposure to writing grant applications, either through training/mentoring or personal experience. Each presentation is tailored to meet the needs of the audience, e.g., to focus on the funding agency or agencies (federal, private, and/or industry) that is/are of greatest interest to the attendees. Emphasis is given to doing the “extra” things that can make the difference between success and failure.
At the University of Iowa, the main focus of previous seminars has been on the NIH and NSF; however, regardless of the agency, participants are taught to write with a linear progression of logic, which leads reviewers through an application without them knowing that they are being led. Coping strategies to overcome the fact that applicants are writing for two different audiences—the assigned reviewers, who read the application in its entirety, and non-assigned reviewers who may have read little, or nothing, of the proposal before the meeting of the review panel—are emphasized. The seminar is in a lecture format.
The Phase I seminar is a pre-requisite to the Phase II workshop scheduled for January 7-8, 2025. Additional details below.
Phase I Registration Details
- The registration deadline was Sunday, September 8 at 11:59 pm.
- Cost: The registration fee is $150 (includes seminar, workbook, supplemental materials, and lunch).
- Eligibility: This seminar is open to faculty members, postdoctoral researchers and administrative staff who have had some exposure to writing grant applications, either through training / mentoring or personal experience.
- To Attend: Registration will be handled through a Workflow form. Some units are sponsoring registration. Check with your collegiate ADR to inquire about sponsorship. Each registrant will be asked to enter an MFK as required part of registration or select a sponsored spot.
- Sponsored Seats: Some colleges sponsor a certain number of faculty spots on a first come, first served basis. If a sponsored spot is selected you will not be required to enter a MFK.
- Workbook Choice: Select a workbook where indicated in the form. Click here for a description of each workbook version.
- Please note: Workbooks will be campus mailed to registrants attending virtually so be sure to provide a complete and clear UI campus address where indicated in the registration form.
Phase II Event Information
Phase II workshop will take place on Tuesday, January 7 from 8:00 am-12:00 pm and follow up consultation meetings will be scheduled that afternoon or Wednesday, January 8 in the University Capital Center (UCC). This workshop is in-person.
The workshop includes 4-6 months of ongoing virtual consultations. The half day seminar includes some activities that are group based; however, ample one-on-one time is included to ensure that the specific needs of each participant are addressed. The program has three objectives for each participant:
To write and submit the best application of which they are capable
To better understand the dynamics and psychology of the review process
To develop an appreciation that constructive criticism from colleagues can make the difference between an application's success and failure
Faculty interested in attending the Phase II workshop must be approved by their collegiate associate dean for research and submit an application. Participants will be selected based on a review of applications. Selected participants are required to attend the Write Winning Grant Proposals Phase I seminar and one additional on-site meeting in January 7-8, 2025. Off-site consultations extend over the subsequent four-to-six months.
Off-site interactions with consultants are conducted by email, telephone, and/or virtually, as required, to ensure that the specific needs of each participant are addressed. The final draft is critiqued for grantsmanship by a GWSW consultant, after which it is reviewed for scientific and technical errors by members of a pre-submission review committee that is set up by the workshop participant. By the time it is submitted, a proposal has gone through three rounds of rigorous internal review, which is what helps to ensure maximal competitiveness of the resultant application. New, renewal, and resubmitted applications are eligible.
Phase II Workshop Registration Details (pre-requisite: Phase I Seminar)
- The registration deadline is Monday, September 30 at 11:59 pm.
- Cost: The registration fee is $4,400/participant (tuition is split equally between the participant's college, department, and the OVPR)
- Eligibility: This seminar is open to faculty members who have attended the Phase I seminar last fall (2023) or are registered to attend this fall (2024). To be considered for participation in the workshop, candidates must be approved by their collegiate associate dean for research and submit the required pre-proposal. Workshop registration is capped at 25 participants.
- To Attend: Registration will be handled through an online interest form. Interested registrants should discuss sponsorship with their collegiate ADR and DEO, and then complete the registration form below by Monday, September 30 at 11:59 pm.
Grant Writers' Seminars & Workshops (GWSW)
About the Presenter

Dr. Robertson is the managing member and owner of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops. He is the recipient of competitive extramural funding from both the NIH and non-federal sources. He has served as a member of grant review panels, a reviewer for various biomedical journals, as well as a member of journal editorial boards. Before his recruitment to GWSW he served as a mentor for junior-faculty grant applicants and was recognized routinely for excellence in teaching.
- Ph.D., Pharmacology/Toxicology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
- Postdoctoral, Toxicology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Academic Appointments
- University of Kansas Medical Center, Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Therapeutics, Kansas City, KS (Assistant Professor)
- University of Kansas Medical Center, University of Kansas Cancer Center, Kansas City, KS (Associate Member)
Please email vpr-rdo@uiowa.edu with any questions. Sign up for the RDO Monthly Newsletter to stay up-to-date on this year’s seminar here!
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Research Development Office in advance at 319-335-0303 or vpr-rdo@uiowa.edu