The NSF CAREER Club is designed to give you the knowledge and resources to craft competitive CAREER applications. Club participants will take part in skills development events and services including editing, graphic design, and review services.

Registration has closed for the 2024-2025 NSF CAREER Club.

NSF CAREER Club Eligibility, Events, and Services


Assistant professors (or equivalent) who are eligible to submit NSF CAREER awards are welcome to register for the Club.

Note: Club participants receive these events and services for free. It is expected the Club members participate in all events and services.

Skills Development Events

NSF CAREER Club Information Session (Virtual; November 1 from 9:00-9:30 am)

This virtual information session will describe the NSF CAREER Club skills development events, services, and expectations.

Register here by Thursday, October 31. A calendar invitation and Zoom link will be sent upon registration.

Developing and Funding Your Research (NSF CAREER) Seminar (Virtual; December 6 and January 10 from 9:00-11:00 am; January 17 from 8:30 am–12:30 pm)

Two two-hour and one four-hour CAREER-focused grant writing sessions presented by Dr. Peg AtKisson (AtKisson Training Group).

Register here by Friday, November 29.

NSF CAREER Club Kickoff Session (Virtual; December 13 from 9:00-9:30 am)

This session will set expectations and let Club members know what is required for participating in the CAREER Club.

POSTPONED Research Impacts Seminars (aka Broader Impacts) (Virtual; February 7 from 9:00-11:00 am, February 14 from 9:00-11:30 am, February 21 from 9:00-11:00 am)

Three BI-focused seminars cover basic to advanced concepts. Presented by the NSF-supported Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS). Sessions include:

  1. BI 101 and BI Partnerships
  2. NSF CAREER Awards and BI Identity
  3. BI Evaluation and Broadening Participation

Register here by Monday, February 3.

NSF CAREER Recent Awardee Panel Session (Virtual; April 18, 2025 from 11am-12pm)

This panel session provides an opportunity to hear from recently accomplished NSF CAREER award recipients regarding their experience with the application process, need-to-know information, plus much more.

Register here by Thursday, April 17.


Note: To be eligible for these services, participants must attend the kickoff session and five out of the seven skills development events.

Graphic Design

Have one key figure designed for your proposal.

Internal Grant Review

Participants will receive expert feedback from two internal (University of Iowa) reviewers of their choice. Complete and compliant proposals must be sent to the internal reviewers eight weeks before the due date.

External Grant Review

Participants will receive expert feedback from one external reviewer of their choice. Complete and compliant proposals must be sent to the external reviewer eight weeks before the due date. Learn more here.

Editing Assistance

Participants will receive up to 10 hours of editing assistance to improve their writing’s clarity. Full proposals must be sent to the editors four weeks before the due date.

NEW: NSF CAREER Resubmissions

If you have participated in the NSF CAREER Club, submitted a proposal, and are working on a resubmission, you may participate in the CAREER Club services without the requirement of attending the event sessions. You may attend the sessions as your schedule allows.


  • Developing and Funding Your Research (NSF CAREER) (1/3)

    December 6, 2024 at 9:00 am

    In this seminar, we talk about why and how to create a plan that results in a competitive NSF CAREER proposal. The seminar is presented by Dr. Peg AtKisson (AtKisson Training Group).

  • NSF CAREER Club Kickoff Session

    December 13, 2024 at 9:00 am

    This session will set expectations and let Club members know what is required for participating in the CAREER Club.

  • Developing and Funding Your Research (NSF CAREER) (2/3)

    January 10, 2025 at 9:00 am

    In this seminar, we talk about why and how to create a plan that results in a competitive NSF CAREER proposal. The seminar is presented by Dr. Peg AtKisson (AtKisson Training Group).

  • Developing and Funding Your Research (NSF CAREER) (3/3)

    January 17, 2025 at 8:30 am

    In this seminar, we talk about why and how to create a plan that results in a competitive NSF CAREER proposal. The seminar is presented by Dr. Peg AtKisson (AtKisson Training Group).

  • Session 1: Broader Impacts 101/NSF CAREER Fundamentals

    Friday, April 4 at 1pm

    This workshop will cover the history of the BI criterion, provide strategies for conceptualizing, developing, implementing, and evaluating BI activities. This session will also focus on strategies for developing a competitive NSF CAREER Award, with an emphasis on BI and the education plan.  

  • Session 2: Broader Impacts Identity/Using ARIS tools to draft & evaluate BI Plan

    Friday, April 11 at 1pm

    This session will introduce the concept of a BI identity and be a hands-on-workshop that guides investigators through a process for starting to define BI identity. This session will also discuss the ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit, including a planning checklist and BI Wizard.

  • Session 3: Broader Impacts Evaluation/Broader Impacts Partnerships

    Friday, April 18 at 1 pm

    This session will explore broadening participation activities, why they are a priority for the NSF, and how to plan, implement and assess them successfully.

  • Graphic Design

    March 2025
  • NSF CAREER Recent Awardee Panel

    April 18, at 11am

    This panel session will provide an opportunity to hear from recently accomplished NSF CAREER award recipients regarding their experience with the application process, need-to-know information, plus much more.

  • Internal & External Reviews

    May 2025

    Send a complete and compliant proposal to reviewers.

  • Editing

    June 2025
  • Submit to NSF

    July 23, 2025


Registration has closed for the 2024-2025 NSF CAREER Club.


Please email with any questions. Sign up for the RDO Monthly Newsletter to stay up-to-date on RDO activities here!

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Research Development Office in advance at 319-335-0303 or