General Information
We seek your assistance to help disseminate information about the RSF to your networks.
Event Parking
There are meters outside of the IMU east entrance for unit representative unloading and loading. The IMU also has adjacent metered parking (limit two hours) on the south of the building near Hubbard Park. The closest ramps are the IMU Parking Ramp and the North Campus Ramp and standard hourly rates will apply. Directions to the IMU and additional parking information may be found here.
Access to power will be limited. However, we will strive to provide access, as needed. If laptops are your primary power need, we ask that you bring a fully charged laptop (and a backup) to help us meet power requests.
Setup and Tear Down
You may begin setting up at 11:30am and tear down should be complete by 5:00pm.
Table Displays and Informational Materials
Based on the demand for vendor space, some units may need to split a 6' table with another unit (3' per unit). You are free to use the area above and behind your assigned table space in any fashion as you please (e.g., set up displays, brochures, flyers, etc.), but please plan display materials accordingly to space constraints and neighboring tables. Please note: Stands for displaying academic posters will not be provided.
Table Number and Sharing
Coming soon.
Table Staffing
Please complete the required Excel template and submit through the Smartsheet registration form to register your unit table staff.
To ensure participant access to each vendor table, we ask that units limit table staff to two persons at any given time.
Target Audience
Researchers (i.e., faculty, staff, post-docs, and students) and research support staff of all levels.