Articles from April 2016
The Office of the Vice President for Research emails a monthly e-newsletter with highlights of its activities |
Iowa City Area wins Technology Community of the Year Award
Thursday, April 21, 2016
On April 14, at the Technology Association of Iowa’s 11th Annual LWBJ Prometheus awards, the Iowa City area was presented with the Technology Community of the Year Award, which recognizes a city or region that supports tech-based companies and uses information and communications technology to improve quality of life, education, and workforce. Among the list of finalists were a number of University...
State Hygienic Laboratory serves the public through testing, analyses
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Since 1904 the State Hygienic Laboratory has operated as Iowa’s public health laboratory, helping Iowans in all 99 counties by testing and screening for infectious diseases and environmental contaminants.

Sarah Lewis wraps up Creative Matters series with lecture on art and global citizenship
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
For the final Creative Matters event of the 2015-2016 academic year, author Sarah Lewis delivered a talk dedicated to the memory of her grandfather, Shadrach Emmanuel Lee.

Chuck Romans creates connections as MERGE engineering coordinator
Monday, April 18, 2016
As MERGE prepares for its opening this fall, Chuck Romans is busy assisting grant proposals, researching and purchasing equipment, establishing training programs, and refining the design of the space. Romans started as the new engineering coordinator for MERGE in January.
Public Policy Center shares information to help Iowans thrive
Friday, April 15, 2016
From vehicle safety and environmental policy to housing needs assessments, the University of Iowa Public Policy Center (PPC) seeks to make academic research widely accessible to policy makers and the general public. The center hosts symposiums, brings in speakers, and supports interdisciplinary research and education across campus. “We do applied research—research that’s happening in the real...
Get to Know: The University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist
Friday, April 15, 2016
John F. Doershuk, Ph.D., is the State Archaeologist and Director of the University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist (OSA), as well as an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology. In this Q&A he offers a glimpse into OSA, part of the UI Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development—what it is, what it does, and why it matters. Tell us a little...

Celebrating Excellence awards recognize discovery and innovation
Thursday, April 14, 2016
The Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development held its “Celebrating Excellence: Discovery and Innovation Awards Ceremony” on Wednesday, April 13. The annual event (photos of which may be found here) recognizes faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars/fellows, graduate students, undergraduate students and mentors who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments to research in...
Deadline for grant writing seminar is Sept. 12
Monday, April 11, 2016
The Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development (OVPR&ED) will host Peg AtKisson of Grant Writing Seminars and Workshops, LLC, for her “Write Winning Grant Proposals” seminar on Friday, Oct. 7. The registration deadline is Sept. 12. The seminar, designed for faculty members and administrative staff who have had some exposure to writing grant applications, either through...
SynderBio receives $25,000 in POCR funding
Monday, April 11, 2016
University of Iowa startup company SynderBio Inc. has received $25,000 from the Iowa Economic Development Authority Board Proof of Commercial Relevance (POCR) Fund.
Obermann Center’s Graduate Institute celebrates 10 years of public engagement
Friday, April 8, 2016
For almost 40 years, the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies has served as both oasis and laboratory for researchers from across the world looking for space to dive deep into their disciplines while rubbing elbows and minds with experts from other fields. In 1978, the University House was renamed to honor a generous gift from University of Iowa alumni Esco and Avalon Obermann. Today, the center...