Articles from October 2016
The Office of the Vice President for Research emails a monthly e-newsletter with highlights of its activities |

Author Leslie Jamison discusses art and betrayal in Creative Matters lecture
Monday, October 24, 2016
There is an assumption, said author Leslie Jamison, that art is apart. “I insist it is a part of,” she said.

Paul Miller aka DJ Spooky explains the art of the remix at Creative Matters lecture
Thursday, October 20, 2016
“When you think about remixing and collage, it’s about playing what is well known and then de-familiarizing yourself with it,” said Paul Miller (aka DJ Spooky) at the fourth Creative Matters lecture on Oct. 12. “Memory becomes a very ambiguous place because everything can be rewritten and everything can change.”

Office for Research and Economic Development opens call for 2017 internal funding proposals
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
The Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development (OVPRED) is accepting applications for fiscal year 2017 Internal Funding Initiatives. These programs encourage leading edge scholarship, creative activities and interdisciplinary research. The deadline for proposals is Thursday, December 1, 2016. There are five major funding categories: 1) Arts & Humanities Initiative (AHI)...
UI seeks researchers for Faculty Innovators Workshop that begins Oct. 25
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
University of Iowa faculty interested in learning how to translate their research into a device, service, or business are invited to apply to the UI’s Faculty Innovators Workshop, a four-week version of the UI Venture School designed to help participants develop marketable ideas and accelerate the startup process. The next cohort starts Oct. 25, and workshop sessions run from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Oct...

Water Treatment Expert Marc Edwards to Present 2016 Valentine Lecture
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Marc Edwards, Charles P. Lunsford Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) and an expert on water treatment and corrosion, will present the Richard L. Valentine Distinguished Lecture, titled "The Flint Michigan Water Crisis: Miracle or Disaster?", from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Thursday, October 27, in W10 Pappajohn Business...

Reed’s brainchild predicts Hurricane Matthew storm surge
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
While Iowa is far from the eastern seaboard where Hurricane Matthew recently raged, people up and down the Atlantic coast have Daniel Reed to thank, in part, for the prediction models of both the hurricane path and storm surge levels. In 2004, Reed, University of Iowa Vice President for Research and Economic Development, brought together academics from multiple disciplines, government and industry...

Research-focused faculty lunch series continues Oct. 17
Thursday, October 13, 2016
All new and early-career faculty are invited to join the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development (OVPR&ED) for the second meeting of a yearlong lunch series to learn about running a successful and compliant research program at the University of Iowa. The topic will be “Securing external and internal funding for research” and will be held 11:30am-1:00pm, Monday, Oct. 17...

UI spin-out company Voxello approaches market launch
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
University of Iowa spin-out company Voxello is quickly clearing hurdles in its run to be the first medical device of its kind on the market. It recently received its ETL Listed Mark certification (proof that your product has been independently tested and meets the applicable published standard) for electrical and safety compliance testing on the noddle™, a medical device that allows patients with...

Creative Matters lecture series presents DJ Spooky Oct. 12
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Paul D. Miller (aka DJ Spooky) composer, multimedia artist, editor and author will give a lecture/demonstration exploring how technology has shaped creativity throughout history and continues to guide how we actualize the future, 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 12 in the UI Art Building West.

Basil Twist uses puppetry to explore the line between the living and the inanimate
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
A slender wooden puppet lies belly down. Slowly his head lifts up and he “looks” at the multigenerational audience as they, in turn, rise a bit from their seats to get a closer look at him.