Articles from September 2020
The Office of the Vice President for Research emails a monthly e-newsletter with highlights of its activities |

OVPR accepting student nominations for Dare to Discover campaign
Friday, September 25, 2020
The Dare to Discover campaign will feature undergraduate and graduate student researchers from a wide range of disciplines in a digital campaign in early 2021. This is the fourth year for the student-focused campaign, which seeks to showcase the breadth of research, innovation, and creative works generated by student researchers and scholars at the University of Iowa. This is the first time that...

UI museums and libraries win $200,000 grant to expand senior programing in Iowa
Thursday, September 24, 2020
A $222,327 grant to the University of Iowa will allow an expansion of the Stanley Museum of Art's Senior Living Communities Program, which brings art programming and interactive activities to seniors in long-term care facilities in Iowa.

UI employees step up to help State Hygienic Lab with COVID-19 testing
Thursday, September 24, 2020
The State Hygienic Laboratory (SHL) has been in the spotlight since the beginning of the COVD-19 pandemic. It’s won widespread praise—including from Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Board of Regents—for the dedication of its staff as it’s expanded its capabilities to meet explosive demand for testing. The lab is fast approaching having conducted half a million COVID-19 tests since February and...
Students invited to submit videos about why research matters
Friday, September 18, 2020
The Science Coalition is inviting undergraduate and graduate students to create personal videos to help raise awareness about the value of scientific research and demonstrate to Congress why it’s worthy of robust funding support. The nonprofit, nonpartisan group of more than 50 research universities, including the University of Iowa, is hosting the student video challenge to encourage students to...

OVPR offers free access to online sessions on university-industry collaboration Sept. 21-25
Friday, September 4, 2020
The Office of the Vice President for Research has secured institutional access to UIDPConnect 2020, which will offer an array of programming from Sept. 21-25 to help research faculty and staff develop and enhance partnerships with industry. UIDPConnect 2020 will include online sessions applicable to colleagues across a range of roles, from research leadership to contracting and sponsored research...