Articles from 2016
The Office of the Vice President for Research emails a monthly e-newsletter with highlights of its activities |

UI-spinout company selected by National Cancer Institute’s business accelerator program
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Viewpoint Molecular Targeting has been selected by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to participate in the business accelerator program I-Corps in 2017.

UI engineering professor awarded prestigious AGU Macelwane Medal
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Thanking family, friends and colleagues, Gabriele Villarini, accepted the prestigious American Geophysical Union (AGU) James B. Macelwane Medal at an honors ceremony in San Francisco on Dec. 14.

Nominations open for research, innovation, mentorship, and startup awards
Monday, December 12, 2016
Nominations are open for University of Iowa faculty, staff, and student researchers, creators, mentors, and entrepreneurs for the UI’s annual Discovery & Innovation Awards Ceremony, which will be held in April 2017.
UI Research Foundation ready to take research from ‘benchtop to bedside’
Friday, December 9, 2016
The University of Iowa Foundation (UIRF) and UI Ventures are committed to helping faculty protect intellectual property and translate research into commercially viable licensing opportunities and startups. The two teams can help faculty understand and navigate the sometimes-challenging terrain of IP protection, whether this is their first experience in this area or they’re a seasoned pro. “IP...
UI spinout company SantosHuman partners with University of Waterloo
Friday, December 9, 2016
SantosHuman, Inc., a spinoff company that grew out of ongoing research at the University of Iowa, recently announced a partnership with the University of Waterloo to educate the next generation of engineers in creating and assessing virtual product designs specifically to optimize human interaction.

Creative Matters panel promises dynamic theatrical experience at Joffrey Nutcracker
Friday, December 2, 2016
“We have such a responsibility with the Nutcracker,” said Christopher Wheeldon, Tony award winning choreographer at the Creative Matters panel on Nov. 29. “The Nutcracker is going to be many children’s first theatrical experience–the first time going to the theater–the gateway to what we hope to be the audience of the future. Everybody remembers their first Nutcracker.”

UI engineer Larry Weber appointed Director of Interdisciplinary Research Development
Monday, November 28, 2016
The University of Iowa Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development has appointed College of Engineering professor Larry Weber Director of Interdisciplinary Research Development, effective Dec. 1.

NPR host Joe Palca tells the serendipitous stories of science at Creative Matters lecture
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Pedal if you love NPR,” NPR science correspondent Joe Palca shouted to fellow RAGBRAI cyclists when he and a group of other NPR reporters rode the famous Iowa event in 2015. One NPR lover was University of Iowa Visiting Assistant Professor Julie Reynolds, jointly appointed with the UI Public Policy Center (PPC) and the College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics. Her RAGBRAI riding group, Team Groucho...

UI names Ricketts, Lassner as Senior Assistant Vice Presidents for Research
Monday, November 21, 2016
The University of Iowa Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development has promoted Ann Ricketts (left) and Jennifer Lassner (right) from Assistant Vice Presidents for Research to Senior Assistant Vice Presidents for Research.

Award-winning panel to discuss creation of new Joffrey Nutcracker at Creative Matters event
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Recrafting the iconic ballet The Nutcracker for one of the most renowned ballet companies in the country is no small feat. The creative team reimagining the Christmas classic will join members of the Joffrey Ballet to discuss the process at 5:30p.m., Nov. 28 at Hancher Auditorium. The event is co-sponsored by the Creative Matters lecture series. The panel discussion is free and open to the public...